Tuesday, September 27, 2016


This assignment allowed me to be creative in that we were able to create whatever we wanted using Photoshop and one letter. Choosing a letter was easy for this activity because I knew I wanted to do the first letter in my name. I like how open ended the assignment was and we were able to take a letter and Photoshop and create whatever we wanted. However, the same things that were easy about this assignment were also difficult in that there weren't very many guidelines so how we wanted to approach the assignment was really up to us. Thinking of where I wanted to start and how I wanted to incorporate color and font in my piece without making it too busy was a challenge.The strongest area of my work is the way my piece flows. It is visually appealing because the text(letters M and m) gradually fade into the gradient background. I did this to make my piece look smooth. I also put the smaller M's and m's in the other text to give my piece originality. I thought this was a nice touch. 

I only used Photoshop for this assignment. I first started by playing around with the font of the letter M to see which ones I liked best. After deciding on Myriad Pro I played around with font colors trying to find 2 colors that complimented each other. I ended up choosing a lighter color(blue) and a darker color(blue). I also thought it would be cool to put a gradient in the background because I wanted to incorporate both colors into the background. I adjusted the gradient to fade from dark to light and placed my lines of letters in a place where it would look like they were fading. I used the transform tools to turn the lines of letters to face the direction I wanted and change the size. I also used the folders a lot on the right side of my screen to keep myself organized. For this piece I used more basic tools because I wanted the piece to be simple.

I demonstrated the objective in this art activity by using about 34 Ms to create a unique piece in Photoshop. Although my piece was simple I am proud of it because I find it visually appealing and think simple is better in this case. I played around using tools in Photoshop that I haven't in a while and refreshed my memory a bit. Adding more to my work and using different tools can be improved on. Adding a bit more to my piece and my work could make it less simplistic, however I was unsure of what else to add without making it too busy so I decided simpler is better. If I could do this activity again I would try and be more creative and use different tools. Although I am proud of my simple piece if I did it again I would make it more colorful. I would try and use more than just 2 colors and maybe use a couple fonts.

1 comment:

  1. Effort: 3
    Composition: 4
    Originality: 2
    Elements/Principals: 4
    Reflection: 4
